Page history
last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago
Workshop Participants
xigi maps
Java applets that provide graphical visualizations of the attendees
- Tantek Çelik (tags: microformats, openstandards, socialnetworkportability, WAAA2007)
- Silona Bonewald (tags: LoTV, Transparentfederalbudget, illuminatedbudget, illuminatedgovt, WAAA2007)
- Dick Hardt (tags: Identity20, OpenID, WAAA2007)
- Bob Blakley (tags: burtongroup, WAAA2007, illuminatedbudget)
- Edwin Wise (tags: LoTV, WAAA2007)
- Hunter Ellinger {tags: CWiki}
- Tim Erickson (tags: WAAA2007, e-democracy)
- Lou Klepner (tags: g2gov, WAAA2007)
- James Hogan (tags: WAAA2007)
- Sharron Rush (tags: Knowbility, accessibility, WAAA2007, illuminatedbudget, openstandards)
- Dan Zalles (tags: WAAA2007, online learning, online community building, design research, education, SRI) [http://ctl.sri.com/people/displayPerson.jsp?Nick=dzallestags]
- ... add yourself and tag yourself
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