We Are All Actors
Welcome to the "We Are All Actors" wiki, a place for "We Are All Actors" workshop participants to collaboratively take notes and contribute.
The password is the same as the tag for the workshop (see below).
We Are All Actors (external link; workshop home page)
2007 Workshop
The WAAA2007 workshop was the first. The tag for the workshop is: waaa2007 (tag for links, photos, blogs, passwords, etc).
See the WAAA2007 page for participants, notes, working groups etc. specific to the 2007 workshop.
Project Definition
Transparent Federal Budget home page (external link; project home page)
- Use Cases, including the seed scripts from the WAAA2007 event; a breakdown of capabilities we want to present to the user and possible program constructs we can provide to create these capabilities; and references to existing applications that illustrate how people are solving related problems today, as both examples and counter-examples:
- Scheduling and Management
Tools for collaboration:
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