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Forensic power analysis

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Forensic Power Analysis


Use Case

Past power efforts (including couplings in particular bargains) are predictive; the same coaltions get enacted to win or come closer or further from winning

the same trade assn's. and interest groups have consistent legislative agendas which are not secret; they announce to their members they got 2/3 of what they wanted on hb 2711 and got stalled by being double referred (put into two committees resulting in none doing anything) on issue 1.b7 in the house. etc. they will be coming back trying for more of the same next year and trying to build more support though horse trading to move their agenda further.


it's like they are consistent strata of tectonic power plates moving against or alongside or in concert with each other. they move in geologic time; across multiple legislative sessions and through regulatory and court processes in the "legislative after market"



(what actions the user of the system will perform)



(the programmatic elements needed to fulfill the capabilities)

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