Budget Online

Budget Online

1. Congressman Reads his Email, Script by Bob Blakley

Act One, Notes from WAAA2007


Use Case

We want to take the truly enormous Annual Federal Budget and present it in a manner that can be understood by a wide audience of both professional and lay readers.


The US Federal Budget is a document that is on the order of six thousand pages long and with hundreds if not thousands of individual items within it. It is a matter of public record, but it is not normally in an accessible format.


We also want to show the budget in context, illustrating who sponsored entries and the contributions paid to that sponsor that might have influenced the entry. Finances underly all of politics and the federal budget lays at the very core of political finance.


A well-illuminated budget, and increased visibility of the actors and influences that go into creating that budget, will provide valuable research tools for politicians, the media, and citizens who wish to understand or influence some aspect of consequence of the budget.



(what actions the user of the system will perform)




(the programmatic elements needed to fulfill the capabilities)